I can't even begin to explain how bored I am. I feel lame. I shouldn't be complaining. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff I could be doing with my time. I just happen to be lazy as well as bored. The one thing I do love about school is that it keeps me from being like this. It gives me something to do so that I bother to get out of bed. Wow that sounded pathetic and a but depressing. I haven't left my bed in a couple days. Well, that's not true I went an saw a movie last night and I got up to eat this morning, but aside form that I've been in bed. I've been watching Gilmore Girls, playing Sims 3 Night Life, and reading the books I got for Christmas. I'm boring myself just talking about myself. I need to put MS Word back on my computer so I can keep writing my script. It's getting pretty good. I can't talk about it yet. I need to wait until it's done, copyrighted, and registered with the Library of Congress before I will leak any information on it. All I can tell you is that it's a horror movie and it's pretty awesome.
I hate when I have something planned and I was totally just planning on not waking up until I had to go, but the the stupid sun came in through my window and I woke up at nine instead of twelve. I have a lunch planned at one and I'm supposed to meet at my friends house for a ride at 12:40 and since I have no car I'm riding my bike there. So I'll leave my house around 12:25ish. Only problem is finding something to do between now and then. I don't just want to sit around. I'm so tired of sitting around. I finished another season of Gilmore Girls today. Now if I were watching it with a friend it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that I'm sitting in bed, alone, being pathetic, feeling sorry for myself that all of my friends have lives that seem to not include me, and watching a TV show on DVD. You know what's even more pathetic? The fact that if Jeremy weren't at his cousins house right now, I wouldn't be bored out of my mind, I'd be out doing stuff with him and his friends. I like his friends. They're a lot more chill and loyal than my friends. My friends like to go out and do stuff together and not invite me and then tell me all about it later and put pictures on Facebook and all that bullshit. It pisses me off.
Okay, I need to get out. I'm just being stupid now. As soon as I finish this thought I am going to turn off my computer, get dressed, go outside, and find something to do. I don't care what I do, I just need to do something. I wonder if it's cold outside. It's really sunny, but yesterday it was really sunny and I heard it was pretty cold. 11:41. I have I have 44 minutes to kill. Maybe I'll just ride my bike around a little bit before I go to my friend's house. I have to go to the bank. I'll go do that. I'll go to the bank, then I'll go to my friend's house. 11:42. That's not gonna kill enough time. I don't feel very good. Sort of nauseous. I'm having issues with the smoothies I keep making in my Magic Bullet. 11:42. Okay, I'm turning off the computer right now. Good bye.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Finals Suck
I am so tired of studying for finals. I just want Christmas break to start so I can keep working on my screenplay. By the way, if you haven't heard it's basically going to be the greatest horror movie ever written. Maybe I should get back to working on my paper on cult films. Or studying for science of history or faith and pop culture or something. I'm hungry. I think I'll go eat. I really like Miranda Lambert, her song Gun Powder and Lead is stuck in my head right now. I wonder if after I post this if I go to Google and type in Miranda Lambert, this will show up. I think I'm going to try it. Wow I'm really bored. I can't focus at all. I'm so over studying, I've been studying nonstop for days. I spent the whole day in the library yesterday from 8am until 11pm. I had never been in the library before, it was kind of cool. I'm back there right now too. I had to work this morning, but they me off early because they had too many people and I was the only one who still had finals which was cool cuz I was supposed to be there until 4pm, but I have a review session with my science class at 3pm so it worked out perfectly. I've been in the library since like 12:15 when I got off work. Ok I guess I'll get back to studying now......
Friday, December 3, 2010
So I'm Sitting in Class....
...And I'm really bored. Don't worry to those of you (dad) who may be concerned that I am not paying attention. I am. I'm just doing this too. You can't tell because this post will all appear at once, but I just stopped writing this for a minute to write down some important stuff my professor said. We're talking about the high middle ages and the beginnings of Christian art and architecture right now. Sounds fun, right? NO. It's probably the most boring class I have. Just took some more notes. I wondering what's happening in the world of Facebook....nothing. No one is ever online when I'm in class. This is what I get for cleaning out my friends list on Facebook. I delete 700 people and I go from have 120 friends online at a time to 7 friends. It's so sad. Although it is nice to get rid of people I don't talk to. I mostly just kept family and some close friends, plus new friends. I somehow lucked out on a registration date apparently. Everyone is complaining about how they can't get the classes they want and all this stuff, but I got everything I wanted and I'm on no wait lists and my schedule is awesome. I'm so pumped to take French, TV Production, Cinematography, and History of TV. I'm not so pumped to take Statistics, but its the only semester of math I need to take then I'm done! :). I also love that I have no class on Tuesday, no class on Thursday until 7pm, and I'm done on Friday by 9:50. It's great. I'm anticipating many Disneyland days on Fridays. If only I had a car :/. Oh well. So I was thinking today that I love writing letters. It so much more fun and personal than writing an email or making a phone call or sending a text. Those things are so lame. But then again I am the girl who like to have her movies on DVD not online, and likes to have her books smelling like books, and her movies not shot in digital. I don't really like this whole putting everything in the digital world. I like physical, palpable objects. But anyway, letter writing. I don't really know why, but I just love writing letters. I think maybe it's because I like to write, especially by hand and I can get my thoughts and feelings across a lot better when I'm writing then when I'm speaking. I'm such an awkward conversationalist, I really need to work on it. I can kill a conversation in about two seconds. I don't know why, but I just can never think of the next thing to say to keep a conversation going and it's especially bad when the person I'm talking to is the same way. That's why most of my friends are pretty outspoken, charismatic people, they were the only ones that could carry on a conversation with me long enough to get to know me. I think that's why I love writing letters. You don't have that awkwardness that you in a conversation. Its a conversation that last can last days or even years. I love it. Anyway, class is almost over, so I should get ready to pack up my stuff. That's my thought (or thoughts) for the day :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Fandango is on Crack
Two days ago Fandango put out a list of the The Five Film You're Thankful for in 2010. That list includes Toy Story 3, Inception, Scott Pilgram vs. the World, Let Me In, and Splice/Piranhas 3-D (a tie for 5th place).
Really? Those are Fandango's top 5 of 2010? Really?
Toy Story 3 and Inception, definitely. But Scott Pilgram, Splice, and Piranhas 3-D???? I heard good things about Let Me In, but I never saw it so I can't accurately say whether or not that should make the list. If we're being honest I didn't see Scott Pilgram either, but I can't stand Michael Cera so anything with him in it automatically is a fail in my book.
If I was going to compile a list of great movies of the past year it would be Inception, Toy Story 3, How to Train Your Dragon, The Social Network, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.
Inception is on my list because it's been a while since I've seen a movie that made me think that hard while I was watching it. I love a nice challenging movie that forces you to think. It was great. plus the cinematography and acting and everything technical was great too :)
Toy Story 3:
I grew up with Andy, I was his age in Toy Story 1 and 2 and now with Toy Story 3. When it came out I was finishing up my senior year and getting everything ready for college. I was trying to figure out what to do with all the stuff in my room including all my old toys. For me that movie was great because I could relate to the story, but it was still a kid's movie so all the kids who have never even seen the first two would like, plus all the parents like it because its a time they all fear (having their kids leave). I loved it.
How to Train Your Dragon:
OH MY GOODNESS. This movie was AMAZING. I had no idea what to expect going in, but it was cute, it was funny, it was endearing. All around it was a fantastic movie and I don't even like animated movies most of the time. If you haven't seen this, see it.
The Social Network:
This movie was just a really interesting story. I saw it twice and loved it both times. I love true story movies because afterward I can go look up more information, which is exactly what I did after seeing The Social Network. Not and incredibly accurate film, but really good. See it.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1:
I don't really think I need to say anything about this one. Just read my blog post below this one to see all the reason I love Harry Potter. I'm going to see it again tomorrow!
Anyway, those are my choices...
Really? Those are Fandango's top 5 of 2010? Really?
Toy Story 3 and Inception, definitely. But Scott Pilgram, Splice, and Piranhas 3-D???? I heard good things about Let Me In, but I never saw it so I can't accurately say whether or not that should make the list. If we're being honest I didn't see Scott Pilgram either, but I can't stand Michael Cera so anything with him in it automatically is a fail in my book.
If I was going to compile a list of great movies of the past year it would be Inception, Toy Story 3, How to Train Your Dragon, The Social Network, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.
Inception is on my list because it's been a while since I've seen a movie that made me think that hard while I was watching it. I love a nice challenging movie that forces you to think. It was great. plus the cinematography and acting and everything technical was great too :)
Toy Story 3:
I grew up with Andy, I was his age in Toy Story 1 and 2 and now with Toy Story 3. When it came out I was finishing up my senior year and getting everything ready for college. I was trying to figure out what to do with all the stuff in my room including all my old toys. For me that movie was great because I could relate to the story, but it was still a kid's movie so all the kids who have never even seen the first two would like, plus all the parents like it because its a time they all fear (having their kids leave). I loved it.
How to Train Your Dragon:
OH MY GOODNESS. This movie was AMAZING. I had no idea what to expect going in, but it was cute, it was funny, it was endearing. All around it was a fantastic movie and I don't even like animated movies most of the time. If you haven't seen this, see it.
The Social Network:
This movie was just a really interesting story. I saw it twice and loved it both times. I love true story movies because afterward I can go look up more information, which is exactly what I did after seeing The Social Network. Not and incredibly accurate film, but really good. See it.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1:
I don't really think I need to say anything about this one. Just read my blog post below this one to see all the reason I love Harry Potter. I'm going to see it again tomorrow!
Anyway, those are my choices...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tired Doesn't Even Begin to Explain How I Feel Right Now
Sooooooooooooo I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I last night and let me just warn you that if you intend on seeing the movie, but have not yet read the book, stop reading this right now and go pick up the book because you shouldn't be intending on seeing the movie without first reading the book (also there will be spoilers ahead).
I went to get my Harry Potter ticket on Wednesday and in front of the theater I tripped and fell in a thorny bush and i have a hole in my finger, but no worries Harry Potter was well worth it. So anyway, I go and ask the woman for two tickets to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and she tells me they're all sold out. I looked at her and I was like every showing is sold out? And she tells me the midnight is sold out but there are tickets available for the 12:07 showing. Thank you idiot who works in a movie theater. If someone asked me if there were tickets available for the midnight Harry Potter, I would assume they meant any of the multiple middle of night showings.....but she was about 40 and working in a movie theater.
Thursday arrives, I'm pretty pumped. Harry Potter at midnight. I wake up late. I don't get to eat breakfast before class. I go to Film Aesthetics and Visual Storytelling, at this point its around 12:50 and I'm starving and have Environmental Science at 1:00. I say whatever I'm hungry, I go and get food on my way to class. I'm a little bit late. I get out of class at 2:15 and go straight to work. I work until 9:00pm. I go back to my dorm and shower and change, meet up with some friends and Jeremy picked us up. We arrive at the theater and there are about 25 loooooooooong lines in the middle of the parking lot, broken up by start time. Now, although I'm tired and my feet hurt and I haven't eaten and I want nothing more than to sleep, I'm pumped. Harry Potter in less than hour.
They finally let us into the theater. Our showing was supposed to start at 12:07. Something went wrong with the projector and the screen was frozen on the Cinemark Enjoy the Show thing and the movie didn't start until around 12:20. I wasn't happy. It finally started!
Sometimes the WB sign is my favorite part of the Harry Potter movies. This one was pretty cool. It was the standard Harry Potter WB silver grey color but it was decaying and parts of it were peeling back. I liked it.
So I was not incredibly happy with the opening scene. It opens with a sort of montage like sequence cutting between Hermione's family and Harry's family. Very sad music is playing and there is very little dialog. We get to see Hermione Obliviate her parent's minds, which was cool, because in the book you just kind of hear about it when Hermione tells Harry. Harry is sitting on his bed when the scene switches to him and he's holding the fragment of Sirius's mirror. They never explain it, so for those of you who haven't read the book and are still, for some reason, reading this, the mirror fragment that Harry keeps looking at is part of a two way mirror that Book Sirius gave to Book Harry in the Order of the Phoenix. The other part I didn't like is the goodbye between Harry and Dursleys. In the book that scene between Dudley and Harry was borderline sweet and it's unfortunate that it was not shown. All we see is the Dursleys loading their car and leaving. Basically they were trying to establish that the world was not a safe place for muggles, especially muggles who knew or were related to witches or wizards.
Next we go to Snape arriving at Malfoy Manor to meet with the Death Eaters and Voldemort. I actually really liked this scene, it was a lot like how I imagined it. Everyone is at the table, Draco looks terrified. Snape tells them when the Order is moving Harry blah blah blah, it was good, I don't have much to say about it.
The Seven Potters is probably one of my favorite chapters in the book and the scene was all right, kind of cheesy though. We finally meet Bill Weasley, it's about time, just sayin. This scene was pretty funny, but I felt like were using it a little too much for humor. It was all right, nothing special. But the chase scene was cool, I was a little upset that they had everyone go straight to the Burrow instead of having them all go to different places and then take portkeys to the burrow, but oh well they just made it easier for Voldemort to find them, no big deal David Yates you just inserted a huge flaw but oh well. Also, at the wedding Harry was still Harry, there was no Barney or Barry or whatever his disguise was, but again no big deal David Yates, we're just making it easier for Voldemort to find them. And guess what he does! Oh by the way did I mention how they kill off Hedwig? He doesn't go with Harry in the sidecar, but instead fly ahead then comes back and attacks a death eater. No one seems to care that Hedwig died. They also didn't show Mad-Eye's death and they barely talk about it, it was kind of weird. But anyway, the death eaters come to the wedding and Ron, Hermione, and Harry disapparite out there hella fast.
You know what I just realized, they never run into Dean and all them and find out about the trace of Voldemort's name. That's annoying. They also never talk about Potterwatch, they just kind of listen to random radio and never really talk about it. The locket reminded me the ring in Lord of the Rings haha, but it was cool. The scene between Ron and Harry before Ron left was well done, but when Ron came back that scene was REALLY corny. They really played up the romance between Ron and Hermione. By the time they got to Godric's Hallow (I know I'm kind of going out of order) I was getting tired and drifting in and out of sleep. The scene with Bathilda Bagshot was cool and pretty much just how I imagined it. And I LOVED the scene when Ron destroys the locket, although there was this weird naked Hermione/Harry make out session that was kinda AWK, but whatevs, the rest of that scene was cool.
They find out about the Deathly Hallows, they end up in Malfoy Manor, Draco was being a pussy just like in the book, Dobby dies, Voldemort finds out where Elder Wand is, the movie ends. It was AMAZING!
Dobby's death was one of the saddest movie moments I have ever seen. I cried so hard. His last line was something like "such a pretty place to be with friends. I'm so happy to be here with my friends, Harry Potter." It was SOOOOO sad. Dobby is my favorite, I was not looking forward to seeing him die.
Anyway, it was BY FAR the best and most accurate Harry Potter film, GO SEE IT!!!!!!! :)
I went to get my Harry Potter ticket on Wednesday and in front of the theater I tripped and fell in a thorny bush and i have a hole in my finger, but no worries Harry Potter was well worth it. So anyway, I go and ask the woman for two tickets to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and she tells me they're all sold out. I looked at her and I was like every showing is sold out? And she tells me the midnight is sold out but there are tickets available for the 12:07 showing. Thank you idiot who works in a movie theater. If someone asked me if there were tickets available for the midnight Harry Potter, I would assume they meant any of the multiple middle of night showings.....but she was about 40 and working in a movie theater.
Thursday arrives, I'm pretty pumped. Harry Potter at midnight. I wake up late. I don't get to eat breakfast before class. I go to Film Aesthetics and Visual Storytelling, at this point its around 12:50 and I'm starving and have Environmental Science at 1:00. I say whatever I'm hungry, I go and get food on my way to class. I'm a little bit late. I get out of class at 2:15 and go straight to work. I work until 9:00pm. I go back to my dorm and shower and change, meet up with some friends and Jeremy picked us up. We arrive at the theater and there are about 25 loooooooooong lines in the middle of the parking lot, broken up by start time. Now, although I'm tired and my feet hurt and I haven't eaten and I want nothing more than to sleep, I'm pumped. Harry Potter in less than hour.
They finally let us into the theater. Our showing was supposed to start at 12:07. Something went wrong with the projector and the screen was frozen on the Cinemark Enjoy the Show thing and the movie didn't start until around 12:20. I wasn't happy. It finally started!
Sometimes the WB sign is my favorite part of the Harry Potter movies. This one was pretty cool. It was the standard Harry Potter WB silver grey color but it was decaying and parts of it were peeling back. I liked it.
So I was not incredibly happy with the opening scene. It opens with a sort of montage like sequence cutting between Hermione's family and Harry's family. Very sad music is playing and there is very little dialog. We get to see Hermione Obliviate her parent's minds, which was cool, because in the book you just kind of hear about it when Hermione tells Harry. Harry is sitting on his bed when the scene switches to him and he's holding the fragment of Sirius's mirror. They never explain it, so for those of you who haven't read the book and are still, for some reason, reading this, the mirror fragment that Harry keeps looking at is part of a two way mirror that Book Sirius gave to Book Harry in the Order of the Phoenix. The other part I didn't like is the goodbye between Harry and Dursleys. In the book that scene between Dudley and Harry was borderline sweet and it's unfortunate that it was not shown. All we see is the Dursleys loading their car and leaving. Basically they were trying to establish that the world was not a safe place for muggles, especially muggles who knew or were related to witches or wizards.
Next we go to Snape arriving at Malfoy Manor to meet with the Death Eaters and Voldemort. I actually really liked this scene, it was a lot like how I imagined it. Everyone is at the table, Draco looks terrified. Snape tells them when the Order is moving Harry blah blah blah, it was good, I don't have much to say about it.
The Seven Potters is probably one of my favorite chapters in the book and the scene was all right, kind of cheesy though. We finally meet Bill Weasley, it's about time, just sayin. This scene was pretty funny, but I felt like were using it a little too much for humor. It was all right, nothing special. But the chase scene was cool, I was a little upset that they had everyone go straight to the Burrow instead of having them all go to different places and then take portkeys to the burrow, but oh well they just made it easier for Voldemort to find them, no big deal David Yates you just inserted a huge flaw but oh well. Also, at the wedding Harry was still Harry, there was no Barney or Barry or whatever his disguise was, but again no big deal David Yates, we're just making it easier for Voldemort to find them. And guess what he does! Oh by the way did I mention how they kill off Hedwig? He doesn't go with Harry in the sidecar, but instead fly ahead then comes back and attacks a death eater. No one seems to care that Hedwig died. They also didn't show Mad-Eye's death and they barely talk about it, it was kind of weird. But anyway, the death eaters come to the wedding and Ron, Hermione, and Harry disapparite out there hella fast.
You know what I just realized, they never run into Dean and all them and find out about the trace of Voldemort's name. That's annoying. They also never talk about Potterwatch, they just kind of listen to random radio and never really talk about it. The locket reminded me the ring in Lord of the Rings haha, but it was cool. The scene between Ron and Harry before Ron left was well done, but when Ron came back that scene was REALLY corny. They really played up the romance between Ron and Hermione. By the time they got to Godric's Hallow (I know I'm kind of going out of order) I was getting tired and drifting in and out of sleep. The scene with Bathilda Bagshot was cool and pretty much just how I imagined it. And I LOVED the scene when Ron destroys the locket, although there was this weird naked Hermione/Harry make out session that was kinda AWK, but whatevs, the rest of that scene was cool.
They find out about the Deathly Hallows, they end up in Malfoy Manor, Draco was being a pussy just like in the book, Dobby dies, Voldemort finds out where Elder Wand is, the movie ends. It was AMAZING!
Dobby's death was one of the saddest movie moments I have ever seen. I cried so hard. His last line was something like "such a pretty place to be with friends. I'm so happy to be here with my friends, Harry Potter." It was SOOOOO sad. Dobby is my favorite, I was not looking forward to seeing him die.
Anyway, it was BY FAR the best and most accurate Harry Potter film, GO SEE IT!!!!!!! :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Two days until the midnight showing of Harry Potter 7 Part 1. Get ready for the longest blog post ever. I hope it's good, but based on the MuggleCast is telling me right now, I'm not so sure it's going to be.
On another note, I had an awesome weekend. I went to Disneyland on Friday with my bestest friend Kate then we went to UCLA and chilled around Santa Monica and went to the Laugh Factory and saw a couple hilarious comedians.
On another note, I had an awesome weekend. I went to Disneyland on Friday with my bestest friend Kate then we went to UCLA and chilled around Santa Monica and went to the Laugh Factory and saw a couple hilarious comedians.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Life Is Too Busy
So two-ish weeks ago, I decide to start a blog because I'm bored. I haven't posted anything in a week because I've been SO busy. I got the job at Bruxie, I took a couple midterms, I haven't slept in a few days, and I'm hungry. Despite all that, I'm still really happy!
All last week I've been training 5 hours a day 5 days a week for this new job, it's been crazy! We had a friends and family opening today where we gave out free waffles and drinks to friends and family of the owners and employees! It was really face paced and hectic, but more fun than I even imaged it would be :). I did burn myself on some hot coffee though....here are some pictures :)
So that pretty much sums up the hard working, stressful, but yummy part of last week.
On top of all the coffee, waffle, POS, and customer service training, I was studying for THREE midterms, doing FOUR projects, and reading a 300 page book! I got a C on my history midterm which normally I would be pretty bent up about, but I got a D- on my last one, so I'm just happy I improved. I haven't gotten my Film Aesthetics or Science midterms back yet, but hopefully I did fairly well on those. I made another film, this one was also in a group of four and it's a film noir style drug love triangle kind of story. I think it turned out really well, even though my bad acting took it down a notch.
The Pursuit from Zoe Loza on Vimeo.
Basically with all this stuff going on plus hanging out with my friends and stuff, I've been sleeping about two or three hours a night. But I'm having so much fun, I barely even notice (except for when I'm studying haha). Thursday night I went out to dinner with some friends for one of their birthdays which was really awesome, we went to PF Chang's which is a personal favorite of mine as far as Chinese food goes!
Now I'm just kind of chillin', waiting for next weekend when my bestest friend Kate visits! :) We're going to Disneyland! Which, sadly, will be the first time I've gone since I've started living in Southern California! I think we're also going to the laugh factory in Hollywood and hanging out with her sister at UCLA. It's basically going to be an epic weekend. Then my dad is coming on Monday.
All last week I've been training 5 hours a day 5 days a week for this new job, it's been crazy! We had a friends and family opening today where we gave out free waffles and drinks to friends and family of the owners and employees! It was really face paced and hectic, but more fun than I even imaged it would be :). I did burn myself on some hot coffee though....here are some pictures :)
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This is a picture of the whole Bruxie team! |
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These are the owners of Bruxie showing us how to prepare the waffles! We ate so many samples during training :) |
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This is the outside of the building. |
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Here I am at the window today, taking orders. |
On top of all the coffee, waffle, POS, and customer service training, I was studying for THREE midterms, doing FOUR projects, and reading a 300 page book! I got a C on my history midterm which normally I would be pretty bent up about, but I got a D- on my last one, so I'm just happy I improved. I haven't gotten my Film Aesthetics or Science midterms back yet, but hopefully I did fairly well on those. I made another film, this one was also in a group of four and it's a film noir style drug love triangle kind of story. I think it turned out really well, even though my bad acting took it down a notch.
The Pursuit from Zoe Loza on Vimeo.
Basically with all this stuff going on plus hanging out with my friends and stuff, I've been sleeping about two or three hours a night. But I'm having so much fun, I barely even notice (except for when I'm studying haha). Thursday night I went out to dinner with some friends for one of their birthdays which was really awesome, we went to PF Chang's which is a personal favorite of mine as far as Chinese food goes!
Now I'm just kind of chillin', waiting for next weekend when my bestest friend Kate visits! :) We're going to Disneyland! Which, sadly, will be the first time I've gone since I've started living in Southern California! I think we're also going to the laugh factory in Hollywood and hanging out with her sister at UCLA. It's basically going to be an epic weekend. Then my dad is coming on Monday.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm sitting in my environmental science class right now. I'm so bored. I'm refreshing my email every fifteen seconds. I'm waiting to hear back about that job, I'm supposed to hear by tomorrow. I'm freaking out.
I don't usually get stressed out. It's just not how I deal with things, I'm usually really calm and positive about everything. Then I got to college. I had a few midterms three weeks ago and I had one today and two more later this week and next. For history and science I have two midterms, I've already taken the first and I got D's on both. D's! I never get D's. I get A's. I've been so stressed this week trying to study like crazy to do better this time around. I took my Film Aesthetics midterm today. That was easy. All I had to do was analyze a scene from The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and talk about two aspects of film off of a list of eight things. It took me thirty minutes. I hope I did well. Now I have history tomorrow, which I'm really worried about.
I haven't slept in a week. I eat one meal a day. I don't exercise anymore. I snap at people when they're nice to me. I don't like to be stressed. I'm not a nice person when I'm stressed. My teacher just announced that he's moved out midterm from Tuesday to Thursday. That is really helpful. I have so much to do this weekend.
If I get the job, I have orientation on Saturday plus training every afternoon during the week. I have a film project to do. Location scouting on Friday night, filming on Saturday night, and editing on Sunday morning. The film is due Thursday and it's going to be amazing. Then Sunday, of course, is Halloween so I'm going to a party. The party happens to be over an hour away unfortunately, but it's going to be fun. Jeremy and I are going as Bonnie and Clyde. We look pretty cool.
So this film project I'm doing this weekend is going to be awesome! The assignment is that the film has to be a 2-3 minute pursuit. So my group thought doing a film noir style pursuit would be cool. It's all black and white and very classic film noir. It starts out with a kingpin who finds out his wife is cheating on him with one of his dealers. He sets up a drug drop with the dealer, but someone takes the drugs from right in front of the dealer. The dealer chases down the guy and ends up in a dark alley. Headlights shine on him and it turns out the dealer was set up. The kingpin shoots him drops the picture of the dealer and the kingpin's wife on the dead body and then drives away. Basically awesome.
I don't usually get stressed out. It's just not how I deal with things, I'm usually really calm and positive about everything. Then I got to college. I had a few midterms three weeks ago and I had one today and two more later this week and next. For history and science I have two midterms, I've already taken the first and I got D's on both. D's! I never get D's. I get A's. I've been so stressed this week trying to study like crazy to do better this time around. I took my Film Aesthetics midterm today. That was easy. All I had to do was analyze a scene from The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and talk about two aspects of film off of a list of eight things. It took me thirty minutes. I hope I did well. Now I have history tomorrow, which I'm really worried about.
I haven't slept in a week. I eat one meal a day. I don't exercise anymore. I snap at people when they're nice to me. I don't like to be stressed. I'm not a nice person when I'm stressed. My teacher just announced that he's moved out midterm from Tuesday to Thursday. That is really helpful. I have so much to do this weekend.
If I get the job, I have orientation on Saturday plus training every afternoon during the week. I have a film project to do. Location scouting on Friday night, filming on Saturday night, and editing on Sunday morning. The film is due Thursday and it's going to be amazing. Then Sunday, of course, is Halloween so I'm going to a party. The party happens to be over an hour away unfortunately, but it's going to be fun. Jeremy and I are going as Bonnie and Clyde. We look pretty cool.
So this film project I'm doing this weekend is going to be awesome! The assignment is that the film has to be a 2-3 minute pursuit. So my group thought doing a film noir style pursuit would be cool. It's all black and white and very classic film noir. It starts out with a kingpin who finds out his wife is cheating on him with one of his dealers. He sets up a drug drop with the dealer, but someone takes the drugs from right in front of the dealer. The dealer chases down the guy and ends up in a dark alley. Headlights shine on him and it turns out the dealer was set up. The kingpin shoots him drops the picture of the dealer and the kingpin's wife on the dead body and then drives away. Basically awesome.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Second Job Interview
I got an email today that says they want to have a second interview with me tomorrow! I'm really happy about it, because I really want the job, but I used my only nice outfit for the first interview! I have no idea what to wear!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New Videos
I uploaded some more of my projects to youtube and vimeo. You check them out here:
Heres my most recent project for my Visual Storytelling class!
Moment of Decision from Zoe Loza on Vimeo.
Heres my most recent project for my Visual Storytelling class!
Moment of Decision from Zoe Loza on Vimeo.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I read this really interesting article today on overthinkit.com about the way Christopher Nolan treats the femal supporting characters in his films. The author was having a hard time deciding if Nolan was being sexist or not by killing off a female character in almost every one of his films in order to drive the main (male) character into action. The author states:
- Memento: A man with amnesia is obsessed with finding the killer of his beautiful wife.
- Insomnia: A detective plays a cat and mouse game with the killer of a beautiful young girl.
- The Prestige: A magician engages in a bitter rivalry with a former friend he blames for the death of his beautiful young wife.
- The Dark Knight: The lives of a masked vigilante and a district attorney are shattered when the woman they both love is killed.
- Inception: A dream thief struggles with the crushing guilt of his wife’s suicide.
- And here’s a bonus: Nolan’s first feature, Following, apparently features a beautiful dead girl as a final twist.
The one movie that doesn’t fit the pattern is Batman Begins. But of course, the love interest dies in the sequel. And there is a dead mom to tide us over.
I thought he brought up a really interesting point. Now, I wouldn't exactly call myself a feminist, I don't advocate for women's rights or anything like that, but I do believe that as a woman I deserve equal treatment (except in a case of like handy work or heavy lifting in which case I am more than happy to let a man step in). I've noticed that in movies when a man gives something life changing up to be with a woman, that's romantic, but when a woman gives something life changing up to be with a man, she's being "anti-feminist." Well, why can't she be romantic?
As for the article, I think that the reason women are so often killed off to drive the male character is because it's romantic and if it were the other way around it would be anti-feminist. Personally, I think that's really stupid, but that's how America and the film industry view life. So while most people say we've come so far in regards to the feminist movement, I disagree, I think we've just changed what it looks like.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Job Interview!
So today I had an interview for a job at this place called Bruxie. It's in old town Orange right across from the Chapman campus and they sell waffle sandwiches. I know, it sounds weird, but I'm hoping it works out and I get the job. The place hasn't been opened yet, they're rebuilding it right now, it used to be a burger place. I feel like the interview went well and I really hope I get the job because I really need one. They said to watch for a phone call this week about a second interview so I'm hoping that means they like me and I can stop my job search. I feel really good about this. :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Public Enemies
Today, in one of my film classes my professor said that Public Enemies was filmed partially in 35mm film and partially in HD Digital. So I watched it tonight. I can totally tell the difference, it's crazy. I like the look of film better than digital, by the way, I think its more realistic.
My First Blog Post!
I have never done this before, so please forgive me if I fail miserably. Today, I was sitting in my dorm room, bored out of my mind, trying to think of something to do. Usually when I'm bored I'll write a script or go out and mess around with a camera. Unfortunately for me, I have been bored so often lately I have run out of good ideas for screenplays and the camera I have available for my use is being used by someone else in my group. So again, I was sitting. Bored. Unable to think of something to do. I started reading my cousin's blog. I thought, "wow, that looks easy, I bet I could do it!" So I set out to start a blog. I have no idea what I'm going to talk about or why I titled it as I did, but, again, I was bored, you can't blame me for these things.
As the title of my blog says, I got into Chapman...it's a college in Southern California and I'm studying Film...you may also notice that I spelled "into" incorrectly. My bad, in addition to being bored, I am also tired. I haven't slept very much since starting college. Mostly just because I don't have to. My classes don't start until 10:00 so I don't wake up until 9:40. It's nice, but that also means I stay up until about 2:00 or 3:00. I also don't eat very much. I made the mistake of of scheduling all my classes around lunch time and I don't wake up early enough for breakfast most days, so I tend to eat snacks until 6:00 when I go to get dinner. It's kind of stupid, but whatever!
One of my roommates just came in the room. Her Halloween costume just got here. She putting it on right now to show me. I still need a costume. I'm going to a party that night near Calabasas, which is over an hour away, but it should be fun. She's coming out now, she's wearing a slip with Freud on it...she's a Freudian Slip. I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty clever.
I think I'm going to start studying now, I have midterms and such.
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