Friday, November 19, 2010

Tired Doesn't Even Begin to Explain How I Feel Right Now

Sooooooooooooo I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I last night and let me just warn you that if you intend on seeing the movie, but have not yet read the book, stop reading this right now and go pick up the book because you shouldn't be intending on seeing the movie without first reading the book (also there will be spoilers ahead).

I went to get my Harry Potter ticket on Wednesday and in front of the theater I tripped and fell in a thorny bush and i have a hole in my finger, but no worries Harry Potter was well worth it. So anyway, I go and ask the woman for two tickets to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and she tells me they're all sold out. I looked at her and I was like every showing is sold out? And she tells me the midnight is sold out but there are tickets available for the 12:07 showing. Thank you idiot who works in a movie theater. If someone asked me if there were tickets available for the midnight Harry Potter, I would assume they meant any of the multiple middle of night showings.....but she was about 40 and working in a movie theater.

Thursday arrives, I'm pretty pumped. Harry Potter at midnight. I wake up late. I don't get to eat breakfast before class. I go to Film Aesthetics and Visual Storytelling, at this point its around 12:50 and I'm starving and have Environmental Science at 1:00. I say whatever I'm hungry, I go and get food on my way to class. I'm a little bit late. I get out of class at 2:15 and go straight to work. I work until 9:00pm. I go back to my dorm and shower and change, meet up with some friends and Jeremy picked us up. We arrive at the theater and there are about 25 loooooooooong lines in the middle of the parking lot, broken up by start time. Now, although I'm tired and my feet hurt and I haven't eaten and I want nothing more than to sleep, I'm pumped. Harry Potter in less than hour.

They finally let us into the theater. Our showing was supposed to start at 12:07. Something went wrong with the projector and the screen was frozen on the Cinemark Enjoy the Show thing and the movie didn't start until around 12:20. I wasn't happy. It finally started!

Sometimes the WB sign is my favorite part of the Harry Potter movies. This one was pretty cool. It was the standard Harry Potter WB silver grey color but it was decaying and parts of it were peeling back. I liked it.

So I was not incredibly happy with the opening scene. It opens with a sort of montage like sequence cutting between Hermione's family and Harry's family. Very sad music is playing and there is very little dialog. We get to see Hermione Obliviate her parent's minds, which was cool, because in the book you just kind of hear about it when Hermione tells Harry. Harry is sitting on his bed when the scene switches to him and he's holding the fragment of Sirius's mirror. They never explain it, so for those of you who haven't read the book and are still, for some reason, reading this, the mirror fragment that Harry keeps looking at is part of a two way mirror that Book Sirius gave to Book Harry in the Order of the Phoenix. The other part I didn't like is the goodbye between Harry and Dursleys. In the book that scene between Dudley and Harry was borderline sweet and it's unfortunate that it was not shown. All we see is the Dursleys loading their car and leaving. Basically they were trying to establish that the world was not a safe place for muggles, especially muggles who knew or were related to witches or wizards.

Next we go to Snape arriving at Malfoy Manor to meet with the Death Eaters and Voldemort. I actually really liked this scene, it was a lot like how I imagined it. Everyone is at the table, Draco looks terrified. Snape tells them when the Order is moving Harry blah blah blah, it was good, I don't have much to say about it.

The Seven Potters is probably one of my favorite chapters in the book and the scene was all right, kind of cheesy though. We finally meet Bill Weasley, it's about time, just sayin. This scene was pretty funny, but I felt like were using it a little too much for humor. It was all right, nothing special. But the chase scene was cool, I was a little upset that they had everyone go straight to the Burrow instead of having them all go to different places and then take portkeys to the burrow, but oh well they just made it easier for Voldemort to find them, no big deal David Yates you just inserted a huge flaw but oh well. Also, at the wedding Harry was still Harry, there was no Barney or Barry or whatever his disguise was, but again no big deal David Yates, we're just making it easier for Voldemort to find them. And guess what he does! Oh by the way did I mention how they kill off Hedwig? He doesn't go with Harry in the sidecar, but instead fly ahead then comes back and attacks a death eater. No one seems to care that Hedwig died. They also didn't show Mad-Eye's death and they barely talk about it, it was kind of weird. But anyway, the death eaters come to the wedding and Ron, Hermione, and Harry disapparite out there hella fast.

You know what I just realized, they never run into Dean and all them and find out about the trace of Voldemort's name. That's annoying. They also never talk about Potterwatch, they just kind of listen to random radio and never really talk about it. The locket reminded me the ring in Lord of the Rings haha, but it was cool. The scene between Ron and Harry before Ron left was well done, but when Ron came back that scene was REALLY corny. They really played up the romance between Ron and Hermione. By the time they got to Godric's Hallow (I know I'm kind of going out of order) I was getting tired and drifting in and out of sleep. The scene with Bathilda Bagshot was cool and pretty much just how I imagined it. And I LOVED the scene when Ron destroys the locket, although there was this weird naked Hermione/Harry make out session that was kinda AWK, but whatevs, the rest of that scene was cool.

They find out about the Deathly Hallows, they end up in Malfoy Manor, Draco was being a pussy just like in the book, Dobby dies, Voldemort finds out where Elder Wand is, the movie ends. It was AMAZING!

Dobby's death was one of the saddest movie moments I have ever seen. I cried so hard. His last line was something like "such a pretty place to be with friends. I'm so happy to be here with my friends, Harry Potter." It was SOOOOO sad. Dobby is my favorite, I was not looking forward to seeing him die.

Anyway, it was BY FAR the best and most accurate Harry Potter film, GO SEE IT!!!!!!! :)

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