Sunday, December 12, 2010

Finals Suck

I am so tired of studying for finals. I just want Christmas break to start so I can keep working on my screenplay. By the way, if you haven't heard it's basically going to be the greatest horror movie ever written. Maybe I should get back to working on my paper on cult films. Or studying for science of history or faith and pop culture or something. I'm hungry. I think I'll go eat. I really like Miranda Lambert, her song Gun Powder and Lead is stuck in my head right now. I wonder if after I post this if I go to Google and type in Miranda Lambert, this will show up. I think I'm going to try it. Wow I'm really bored. I can't focus at all. I'm so over studying, I've been studying nonstop for days. I spent the whole day in the library yesterday from 8am until 11pm. I had never been in the library before, it was kind of cool. I'm back there right now too. I had to work this morning, but they me off early because they had too many people and I was the only one who still had finals which was cool cuz I was supposed to be there until 4pm, but I have a review session with my science class at 3pm so it worked out perfectly. I've been in the library since like 12:15 when I got off work. Ok I guess I'll get back to studying now......

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