Friday, December 3, 2010

So I'm Sitting in Class....

...And I'm really bored. Don't worry to those of you (dad) who may be concerned that I am not paying attention. I am. I'm just doing this too. You can't tell because this post will all appear at once, but I just stopped writing this for a minute to write down some important stuff my professor said. We're talking about the high middle ages and the beginnings of Christian art and architecture right now. Sounds fun, right? NO. It's probably the most boring class I have. Just took some more notes. I wondering what's happening in the world of Facebook....nothing. No one is ever online when I'm in class. This is what I get for cleaning out my friends list on Facebook. I delete 700 people and I go from have 120 friends online at a time to 7 friends. It's so sad. Although it is nice to get rid of people I don't talk to. I mostly just kept family and some close friends, plus new friends. I somehow lucked out on a registration date apparently. Everyone is complaining about how they can't get the classes they want and all this stuff, but I got everything I wanted and I'm on no wait lists and my schedule is awesome. I'm so pumped to take French, TV Production, Cinematography, and History of TV. I'm not so pumped to take Statistics, but its the only semester of math I need to take then I'm done! :). I also love that I have no class on Tuesday, no class on Thursday until 7pm, and I'm done on Friday by 9:50. It's great. I'm anticipating many Disneyland days on Fridays. If only I had a car :/. Oh well. So I was thinking today that I love writing letters. It so much more fun and personal than writing an email or making a phone call or sending a text. Those things are so lame. But then again I am the girl who like to have her movies on DVD not online, and likes to have her books smelling like books, and her movies not shot in digital. I don't really like this whole putting everything in the digital world. I like physical, palpable objects. But anyway, letter writing. I don't really know why, but I just love writing letters. I think maybe it's because I like to write, especially by hand and I can get my thoughts and feelings across a lot better when I'm writing then when I'm speaking. I'm such an awkward conversationalist, I really need to work on it. I can kill a conversation in about two seconds. I don't know why, but I just can never think of the next thing to say to keep a conversation going and it's especially bad when the person I'm talking to is the same way. That's why most of my friends are pretty outspoken, charismatic people, they were the only ones that could carry on a conversation with me long enough to get to know me. I think that's why I love writing letters. You don't have that awkwardness that you in a conversation. Its a conversation that last can last days or even years. I love it. Anyway, class is almost over, so I should get ready to pack up my stuff. That's my thought (or thoughts) for the day :)

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