Thursday, October 28, 2010


I'm sitting in my environmental science class right now. I'm so bored. I'm refreshing my email every fifteen seconds. I'm waiting to hear back about that job, I'm supposed to hear by tomorrow. I'm freaking out.

I don't usually get stressed out. It's just not how I deal with things, I'm usually really calm and positive about everything. Then I got to college. I had a few midterms three weeks ago and I had one today and two more later this week and next. For history and science I have two midterms, I've already taken the first and I got D's on both. D's! I never get D's. I get A's. I've been so stressed this week trying to study like crazy to do better this time around. I took my Film Aesthetics midterm today. That was easy. All I had to do was analyze a scene from The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and talk about two aspects of film off of a list of eight things. It took me thirty minutes. I hope I did well. Now I have history tomorrow, which I'm really worried about.

I haven't slept in a week. I eat one meal a day. I don't exercise anymore. I snap at people when they're nice to me. I don't like to be stressed. I'm not a nice person when I'm stressed. My teacher just announced that he's moved out midterm from Tuesday to Thursday. That is really helpful. I have so much to do this weekend.

If I get the job, I have orientation on Saturday plus training every afternoon during the week. I have a film project to do. Location scouting on Friday night, filming on Saturday night, and editing on Sunday morning. The film is due Thursday and it's going to be amazing. Then Sunday, of course, is Halloween so I'm going to a party. The party happens to be over an hour away unfortunately, but it's going to be fun. Jeremy and I are going as Bonnie and Clyde. We look pretty cool.

So this film project I'm doing this weekend is going to be awesome! The assignment is that the film has to be a 2-3 minute pursuit. So my group thought doing a film noir style pursuit would be cool. It's all black and white and very classic film noir. It starts out with a kingpin who finds out his wife is cheating on him with one of his dealers. He sets up a drug drop with the dealer, but someone takes the drugs from right in front of the dealer. The dealer chases down the guy and ends up in a dark alley. Headlights shine on him and it turns out the dealer was set up. The kingpin shoots him drops the picture of the dealer and the kingpin's wife on the dead body and then drives away. Basically awesome.

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