Saturday, April 21, 2012

Long Distance and Busy Schedules

The hardest thing about long distance relationships is finding time to talk. Jeremy and I used to text pretty much all day and talk on the phone for an hour or two every night. But recently our schedules have been so different that being able to talk or even text has kind of gone away. I'm busy in the mornings and at night, with the middle of my day wide open, while he sleeps in and stays up late, but is busy doing things around the house during the day.

On top of that, I seem to never be able to keep a group of friends longer than a few months. The group usually falls apart after a break up occurs (at least that's how it's been recently). And when there's a lonely depressed girl who just got dumped friends with someone in a happy relationship, things kind of start to fall apart.

So right now, I'm spending most of my time in my room watching TV and studying. No friends, no contact with my boyfriend. I sound really depressing. That's how I feel right now though. I probably shouldn't blog when I feel like eating a pint of ice cream and watching A Walk to Remember.

Things are just hard right now and I don't really feel like I have a lot of people in my life I can talk to right now. That was always Kate or Jeremy's job, and I don't really have either of them right now. I mean I have Jeremy, he just doesn't have a lot of time right now.

I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sooooo it's been a while...

It's been almost a year since my last bad. I got really into Tumblr for a while and was treating that as my primary blog when I felt like posting things. Plus people actually read what I post there, maybe. So in the last year I've had three jobs, changed my major, and decided I'm graduating early. Things have been busy, to say the least.

So I went home for the summer and worked at Barnes and Noble. I went up to Tahoe with Jeremy and his cousins for a weekend and basically just hung out. It was nice because my work went from 7am-11am so I still got to have a pretty great summer. I pretty much just lounged around my house and Jeremy's house and caught up with some friends. Nothing too exciting.

When I got back to school I was in a broadcast journalism class and I was really good at it and really liked it and so I applied to change my major to Television/Broadcast Journalism with an emphasis in Broadcast Journalism. I got a job at the Barnes and Noble down in Orange, worked one day and then found out that since I couldn't work winter break that they could couldn't keep me. I made $32 that day though so not a total loss.

Over winter break and part of Interterm I went to New York for a broadcast news class. It was a really interesting experience. I absolutely hated the city. I thought New York was dirty and disgusting and the people were more pretentious than the people in Orange County. But aside from that, I made some really good friends and had some really awesome experiences. I got to see New Year's Eve from Times Square, I promise you it's overrated, but everyone should do it at least to see for themselves. I ended up getting sick before midnight (too many Twizzlers) and went back to the hotel and watched the ball drop on TV. Going to Ellis Island was really cool, as was the 9/11 Memorial. Central Park was probably my favorite place in the whole city. We were doing a story on John Lennon in front of the apartment building where he got shot, which is right across the street from Central Park and so we decided to walk through the park to get back to the east side. We had done so much walking that day and gone all over the city, but it was such a beautiful day and the park was so peaceful. We got hot dogs and just took a break in the park. It was nice. On top of all of that, we visited a bunch of news stations. We took tours of FOX, CBS Sports, CNN, and NBC including some smaller affiliates as well. We went to the top of Rockefeller Center which was the most amazing view I've ever seen. Overall the trip was great and I learned New York City is a smelly, dirty, and not at all glamorous place (except for the 30 minutes we spent on the upper west side, that was nice).

Radio City Musical Hall at Christmas.

Ice skating at Rockefeller Center.

Control room at FOX News.

Megyn Kelly's set at FOX News.

Me with CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin. She was great! And so nice!

The view from the Top of the Rock.

New Year's Eve in Times Square.

CBS Sports.

After running up the steps from Rocky!
While on that trip, I got notified that I was accepted into the TV/BJ program. My major had been officially changed. I found out in an elevator in the Smithsonian on one of the days we spent in DC. I jumped up and down and squealed. I was not the only person in the elevator. It was awkward.

Which brings us to now. I just got a job at Disneyland, I'm about to finish up my second year at Chapman, I'm stressing about finding somewhere to live this summer, and I'm loving every minute of my life.

On a side note. I grew up in a pretty non religious household. I used to go to church with my neighbors and cousins and friends and I've been all kinds of churches. But recently I've started talking to Jeremy about his religion (he comes from a very religious family) and I've really liked it. I started reading the Bible and I went to church with Jeremy on Christmas and Easter. He's been trying to help me find a church I can go to down here because I actually really enjoyed it. He asked me if I was doing it because it was something that was really important to him or if I actually really wanted to and I thought about it and realized it was something I actually really wanted to do. I'm really excited to start going to churches in the area and figuring out which works for me.

Last thought...I went to my roommate's horse show last weekend. She does the thing where they jump over stuff. It's fascinating! I recommened going to a horse show at some point in your life! They're really cool!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

24 Hour Library Hours

So it's the week before finals and the library is now open 24 hours. Last night I got a study room with some friends (and future roommates for sure) at 10:00pm we were there mostly studying, but also having fun, until 5:30 this morning. I have never had so much study for finals before in my life. I just put in a request for a room tonight too from 12am to 3am. I have a paper to write and some math homework to do and some serious French studying, but mostly I just want to hang out with those guys again. Jessica, Grace, and Cambria are like my official Chapman BFF's. We're already talking about living together Junior year and I can't wait. That is going to be so much fun!

In other news I redesigned the layout of my blog, what do you all think? And by all I mean mom because I know you're the only one who reads these posts. I thought about maybe starting a new blog that's actually about something, but then I thought to myself: what's more fun than reading about someone's incredibly boring life? Absolutely nothing. So maybe I'll take some pictures/videos while studying tonight and share them with you, mom. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Life As of May 3, 2011.

Welllllllllllllllllll I haven't posted in forever. I've been super busy with school and having a life and what not. Oh yeah, I finally got one of those by the way, a life. I'm a proud member of Phi Sigma Sigma, I've joined the Chameleon Club (we just sit around and watch youtube videos and eat cookies), I've joined PantherVision (the school TV crew), and I'm working on this big award show at the end of the school year (well big for Chapman). 

I've started using the Harry Potter forums on again. I'm addicted. I have so much fun discussing Harry Potter with other people who are as into as I am! Haha I feel like such a nerd, but I'm cool with that. Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts.

Today, Jeremy called me so excited talking about how he finally figured out what he wants to do! He's been writing in these forums about wrestling and mma and he posts these really detailed analyses of things and they're incredibly well written and informative. He showed one of them to a friend of his dad's who is a sports writer for CAL and the guy gave him great feedback. He's sending it to online sources as well as some mma magazines! He's also enrolling in journalism classes in the fall and he's really excited about going to school and studying something he's interested in! I couldn't be happier for him!

In other news, I have a massive sunburn, I'm joining swim team next year, I'm super hungry, the DVC classes I needed to take this summer are already full, and I only have three more weeks until summer!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Avril Lavigne, Part 2

Ok so I got Avril's new album and I listened to it....about 15 times. I couldn't figure out how I felt about it. I literally had to listen to it that many times just to form an opinion. But I actually really liked it. It was much more dark than her last album which made me happy because I miss that about her, but she still had some upbeat songs and then something we've never really heard from Avril: love songs. The weirdest part is that those tracks were produced by her ex-husband. Overall I'm happy with it.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Avril Lavigne

When I was 11 years old Avril Lavigne was my favorite singer, her music was cool and lyrics were deep, especially when it came to her second album. She is a fantastic songwriter. Then she released "The Best Damn Thing" with her lead single "Girlfriend" which featured lines like "you're just so whatever." It was probably the worst piece of musical crap I have ever heard. Now she has a fourth album coming out in March. She has been saying this album has a sound a lot more like her second album and it's deeper and it's more her and it's more acoustic stuff. Her voice sounds great acoustic by the way. So when I heard this, I got really excited because she  takes so much time between each album that I get really excited when I get new music from her. I really wanted to see her comeback from that last over produced pop album and make a real good piece of art. Well her first single "What the Hell" was released a few days ago and I have to say, I am beyond disappointed. It sounds exactly like "Girlfriend." My favorite singer has become a sellout and you know what makes it worse...she used to make fun of people like that and she used to say that she would never be like this, but now she is and you know why? For money. I'm all for making money off of your singer career even if it means changing your sound a little bit, but Avril became something she always claimed to hate and to me that's lame. She has officially lost me as fan. :(

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm So So So Soooooo Bored.

I can't even begin to explain how bored I am. I feel lame. I shouldn't be complaining. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff I could be doing with my time. I just happen to be lazy as well as bored. The one thing I do love about school is that it keeps me from being like this. It gives me something to do so that I bother to get out of bed. Wow that sounded pathetic and a but depressing. I haven't left my bed in a couple days. Well, that's not true I went an saw a movie last night and I got up to eat this morning, but aside form that I've been in bed. I've been watching Gilmore Girls, playing Sims 3 Night Life, and reading the books I got for Christmas. I'm boring myself just talking about myself. I need to put MS Word back on my computer so I can keep writing my script. It's getting pretty good. I can't talk about it yet. I need to wait until it's done, copyrighted, and registered with the Library of Congress before I will leak any information on it. All I can tell you is that it's a horror movie and it's pretty awesome.

I hate when I have something planned and I was totally just planning on not waking up until I had to go, but the the stupid sun came in through my window and I woke up at nine instead of twelve. I have a lunch planned at one and I'm supposed to meet at my friends house for a ride at 12:40 and since I have no car I'm riding my bike there. So I'll leave my house around 12:25ish. Only problem is finding something to do between now and then. I don't just want to sit around. I'm so tired of sitting around. I finished another season of Gilmore Girls today. Now if I were watching it with a friend it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that I'm sitting in bed, alone, being pathetic, feeling sorry for myself that all of my friends have lives that seem to not include me, and watching a TV show on DVD. You know what's even more pathetic? The fact that if Jeremy weren't at his cousins house right now, I wouldn't be bored out of my mind, I'd be out doing stuff with him and his friends. I like his friends. They're a lot more chill and loyal than my friends. My friends like to go out and do stuff together and not invite me and then tell me all about it later and put pictures on Facebook and all that bullshit. It pisses me off.

Okay, I need to get out. I'm just being stupid now. As soon as I finish this thought I am going to turn off my computer, get dressed, go outside, and find something to do. I don't care what I do, I just need to do something. I wonder if it's cold outside. It's really sunny, but yesterday it was really sunny and I heard it was pretty cold. 11:41. I have I have 44 minutes to kill. Maybe I'll just ride my bike around a little bit before I go to my friend's house. I have to go to the bank. I'll go do that. I'll go to the bank, then I'll go to my friend's house. 11:42. That's not gonna kill enough time. I don't feel very good. Sort of nauseous. I'm having issues with the smoothies I keep making in my Magic Bullet. 11:42. Okay, I'm turning off the computer right now. Good bye.