Tuesday, May 10, 2011

24 Hour Library Hours

So it's the week before finals and the library is now open 24 hours. Last night I got a study room with some friends (and future roommates for sure) at 10:00pm we were there mostly studying, but also having fun, until 5:30 this morning. I have never had so much study for finals before in my life. I just put in a request for a room tonight too from 12am to 3am. I have a paper to write and some math homework to do and some serious French studying, but mostly I just want to hang out with those guys again. Jessica, Grace, and Cambria are like my official Chapman BFF's. We're already talking about living together Junior year and I can't wait. That is going to be so much fun!

In other news I redesigned the layout of my blog, what do you all think? And by all I mean mom because I know you're the only one who reads these posts. I thought about maybe starting a new blog that's actually about something, but then I thought to myself: what's more fun than reading about someone's incredibly boring life? Absolutely nothing. So maybe I'll take some pictures/videos while studying tonight and share them with you, mom. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Life As of May 3, 2011.

Welllllllllllllllllll I haven't posted in forever. I've been super busy with school and having a life and what not. Oh yeah, I finally got one of those by the way, a life. I'm a proud member of Phi Sigma Sigma, I've joined the Chameleon Club (we just sit around and watch youtube videos and eat cookies), I've joined PantherVision (the school TV crew), and I'm working on this big award show at the end of the school year (well big for Chapman). 

I've started using the Harry Potter forums on mugglenet.com again. I'm addicted. I have so much fun discussing Harry Potter with other people who are as into as I am! Haha I feel like such a nerd, but I'm cool with that. Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts.

Today, Jeremy called me so excited talking about how he finally figured out what he wants to do! He's been writing in these forums about wrestling and mma and he posts these really detailed analyses of things and they're incredibly well written and informative. He showed one of them to a friend of his dad's who is a sports writer for CAL and the guy gave him great feedback. He's sending it to online sources as well as some mma magazines! He's also enrolling in journalism classes in the fall and he's really excited about going to school and studying something he's interested in! I couldn't be happier for him!

In other news, I have a massive sunburn, I'm joining swim team next year, I'm super hungry, the DVC classes I needed to take this summer are already full, and I only have three more weeks until summer!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Avril Lavigne, Part 2

Ok so I got Avril's new album and I listened to it....about 15 times. I couldn't figure out how I felt about it. I literally had to listen to it that many times just to form an opinion. But I actually really liked it. It was much more dark than her last album which made me happy because I miss that about her, but she still had some upbeat songs and then something we've never really heard from Avril: love songs. The weirdest part is that those tracks were produced by her ex-husband. Overall I'm happy with it.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Avril Lavigne

When I was 11 years old Avril Lavigne was my favorite singer, her music was cool and lyrics were deep, especially when it came to her second album. She is a fantastic songwriter. Then she released "The Best Damn Thing" with her lead single "Girlfriend" which featured lines like "you're just so whatever." It was probably the worst piece of musical crap I have ever heard. Now she has a fourth album coming out in March. She has been saying this album has a sound a lot more like her second album and it's deeper and it's more her and it's more acoustic stuff. Her voice sounds great acoustic by the way. So when I heard this, I got really excited because she  takes so much time between each album that I get really excited when I get new music from her. I really wanted to see her comeback from that last over produced pop album and make a real good piece of art. Well her first single "What the Hell" was released a few days ago and I have to say, I am beyond disappointed. It sounds exactly like "Girlfriend." My favorite singer has become a sellout and you know what makes it worse...she used to make fun of people like that and she used to say that she would never be like this, but now she is and you know why? For money. I'm all for making money off of your singer career even if it means changing your sound a little bit, but Avril became something she always claimed to hate and to me that's lame. She has officially lost me as fan. :(